Saturday, December 31, 2005

Happy Gregorian New Year Earthlings...

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"There, that faint dot in the center - that's the largest rock known in our Solar System. It is larger than every known asteroid, moon, and comet nucleus. It is larger than any other local rocky planet. (Nobody knows for sure what size rocks lie at the cores of Jovian planets, or orbit other stars.) It used to be the largest rock of any type known until earlier this year. The Voyager 1 spacecraft took the above picture of the giant space rock in 1990 from the outer Solar System. This rock is so large its gravity makes it nearly spherical, and holds heavy gases near its surface. Today, this rock starts another orbit around its parent star, for roughly the 5 billionth time, spinning over 350 times during each trip. Happy Gregorian Calendar New Year to all the human inhabitants of this rock we call Earth." -APOD

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Santa Visits Wall Street.

Merry Christmas to all....

Its a few days late, but I did not want to write this without the images.

As is known to all, Santa visits houses all across the world, on Christmas eve. That, however was in the days of yore when the population was not over 6 billion! These days, there is some delay, but yes he does make it around. There is one caveat though, you must have a fireplace ;-)

In that sense, we were quite lucky(apologies to T). In spite of no fireplace (that we have seen at least) Santa paid us a visit. He might have used the planes that land so frequently right outside the doorstep. Anyway, that is not what concerns us. What matters is that he did come. And he brought something. Its not what you would expect Santa to come trooping around with, and hence shocked us quite a bit.

I mean, who would expect Santa to have henchmen? And here he was with not one, but two of them. He explained that these guys were used to take care of the naughty kids!

Santa flanked by his henchmen.

This is how Santa treats the naughty kids!

So all you naughty kids, beware!!

Monday, December 26, 2005

Hot Tip

Some information for you... but keep it hush hush.. i could get in trouble for leaking this insider information... but its worth knowing..

oh and yeah.. this is more of a helpful hint than anything else..
clicking on any image on the blog.. will actually take u to a high resolution picture... just an FYI :-)

Monday, December 19, 2005

The secret garden

Everyone knows that life on wall street leads to tension..
What some people may not, however, be aware of is the hidden serenity provided by such a location.

I have already shown you some plane pictures.. and the lovely Bangalore Airport. As residents of Wall Street, am sure all of us (A, G, R, S, & I, not to mention our friendly neighbours, N, RM, K, P, T) find such views quite relaxing. Except maybe when the Blue Dart plane decides to drop us a visit, at midnight. The rumble of the DC-10 (R, correct me if i am wrong) is enough to rattle all the windows.

But, I digress, this is not the garden i refer to. Unbenkownst to many, the house i stay at has a lovely garden, that seems to be in bloom off late. Saturday morning, to alleviate my boredom, I set out to the garden and got shutter happy.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Pic(k) of the Week gone by

In keeping with markets all over the world, Wall Street hopes to be able to give a list of the pic(k) of the previous week's performers.
I sincerely hope that this list is regularly updated. I do not wish to be investigated later, for hiding information from the other traders of Wall Street.

Report follows:
The week started out slow. There was not much activity on the street, and volumes were quite low.
Singapore, however did show some activity with their cargo, as well as the passenger variants.

Singapore showing some activity. (Two shots of the cargo variant, and one of the passenger variant)

The week then warmed up as the spices from Thailand got moving..

(Thai Airways head for takeoff)
as well as the jet load of spices...
(Spice jet at night)
As the sun set on the week, we saw the apporach of more activites in the near future...
(A plane approaches the runway.)

I shall now close this report with the stunning view of a plane drving off into the sunset.

House on Haunted Street

We just realised our place is haunted.

Some time ago, we visited the terrace to enjoy the serene view of the airstrip

thats when we came across the haunting...

u see above, the ghost approaching us...

i managed to get a close shot of the monster... he seemed to be pretty thrilled to have his photo taken!

then he took my photo!!

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