Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Memory Lane

Memory Lane,
We're here again,
Back to the days,
And I'll remember them always,
So much has changed,
Now it feels like yesterday I went away.

Two years. Almost to the day. What a journey it has been. Two years ago, June 30, 2004, the first time I moved out of my house in Bombay. It was time for the baby to leave the nest. Time for studying was over. The working boy was revealed to the world. That day, two years ago, I flew to Trivandrum for my training period with the company I still work for. And now indulge me as I take a trip down memory lane.

The day began with a flight from Bombay to Trivandrum, in the land of the gods (as Kerala touts itself in the ad campaigns). The flight journey was rather interesting as there I met a friend of mine, who later became my room-mate for the next 2 months. The one and a half hour flight was quite peaceful, except, maybe for the food that was served and the occasional turbulence encountered. The flight was accentuated by the maneuvers the pilot made the airbus endure as we approached Trivandrum. To get the correct approach on the runway, the plane does a sharp turn, very close to sea level. As the plane turned, I would say the wings made an angle of 30 degrees with the ground over what I later learned was Kovalam Beach.

On landing at TVM, my friend (J) and I discovered that we were to be in the same lodge for the duration of our training. We immediately decided to be roomies. We headed out to the lodge (Safire), near the railway station, and found ourselves a room. We had got ourselves a 3 bed room. Out the two of us went scouting for a 3rd roomie. There we met Prima! (yup that’s what we still call him). He agreed to join us. As we sat in our room, we got our first taste of the Kerala monsoon. The windows being a little cracked, one bed started to get wet.

That’s where all the fun started. We moved into another room, a sort of outhouse. Hereafter, we were known as the cottagewallas :-) This room, however, had no power points, making charging our cell phones rather difficult. Slightly frustrated by the quality of accommodation provided by such a large organization, J and I decided to try for a change in lodges. The only way we could see something like that happening was through a petition.

That’s how we got the name, petition boys! We gathered all the tenants of the lodge to our cottage, and discussed the issues we each had about the accommodation. Most supported us. One girl in particular (RA) tried to convince us otherwise. She eventually bowed down to peer pressure! That signed the petition!

So ended day 0 for the working boy.

As for day 1, I just discovered an essay we were made to write during training describing our experiences on day 1. I will quote it below:

The day had finally arrived. After twenty-one long years, it was the day I finally began to work. Here I was, at Trivandrum, on the first day of July in the year 2004, brimming with anticipation at joining (name of company).

The day began well. The bus came right on time, to pick my colleagues and I from our lodge. During the half hour bus journey that ensued, all of us sat quietly, wondering what the day held for us.

We reached office at about eight’ o’clock and were quickly ushered into the auditorium for our first day briefing. This induction was scheduled for nine a.m. but in our nervousness, none of us remembered to have breakfast.

As we waited, the clock continued to tick away and soon it was ten in the morning. We began to wonder about the nature of the company, and how such a famous company could be so relaxed about their own punctuality.

In answer to our thoughts, one of the HR officers (SR) made a grand entrance into the auditorium. We were instructed on how to fill up the service agreement, a document we all called ‘the bond.’ This was followed by a briefing on what the training would entail.

The second briefing really made me nervous, as it was purely computer science based, and I was a telecommunications student. This meant that I would really have to burn the candle to be at par with my colleagues. Lost in my thoughts, I completely missed the announcement for lunch.

When I finally did reach the canteen, it was packed like a can of sardines. There was no room to stand. Suddenly, I lost all my appetite!

The afternoon inductions were quite boring, and had it not been for the finance induction, I would have had a nice nap.

The day dragged on as we waited for our personnel files to be collected. Finally at seven in the evening, we were asked to disperse and head back to our lodge the personnel files still not accepted.

It had been a long and tiring day, and I quickly fell asleep as soon as I had reached the lodge.

This was my first day as T-21, aka Primajhol. Those days I will never forget, and am glad I had the opportunity to make such good friends. Two years and still the memory remains.

Fortune, fame
Mirror vain
Gone insane...
But the memory remains

Saturday, June 24, 2006

The Clique Meets Again

Meet 3!

The people notorious for being late in meet one were surprisingly very early, reaching about half an hour before the scheduled gathering time. (So they say, at least!)

I reached at exactly 1700 hrs, as per the the invitation on the community. Standing outside the CCD, was trying to figure out if i had reached early or should go in and find the table where we were gonna sit. Thats where I bumped into another member of the group. He came up to clarify if I was who he thought I was (prob the advantage of having a turban, always easy to spot and recognise!!)

We walked in together to see 4 ppl already there. Two of them quite a surprise as i mentioned earlier. Slowly more new faces appeared.

Unlike the first time, however, there were no specific round table introductions. We already knew each other through the online world, and many of us had met prior to this.

Basically a few discussions on means of reaching the place, plans of what to do upon arrival, and the material to take with us. Then topics drifted to what normal ppl discuss as well ;-) Football, coffee... etc....

Two hours we sat there, and ppl grew fearful of one particular chap, who btw, gave me a lift home. The coffee addict continued with his addiction, 5 cups in an afternoon, now thats a lot isnt it?

Soon the time came to split up and head back to enjoy are respective Saturday nights.

We just not stangers anymore....... :-)

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Six Weird Things

5 Little Pumpkins sitting on a gate
The first one said, "Oh, my! Its getting late!"
The second one said, "There are witches in the air!"
The third one said, "But we don't care!"
The fourth one said, "Let's run, let's run!"
The fifth one said, "Its only Halloween fun."
Then woooooo went the wind, and out went the light,
And five little pumpkins rolled out of sight.

Well, it should have been six, but i could not find a snazzy little poem (nursery rhyme if u will) with the number 6. Suggestions open. :-)

Anyway, I've been tagged by Aparna G of Erehwon fame. Six weird things about me. Hmm.. thats a toughie. ;-)
Ok ok.. before u think I'm arrogant, I shall continue :-)

First Pumpkin:
Caffeine puts me to sleep. Unless i have lots of it. By lots I mean (3 spoons of coffee!!)
Second Pumpkin: I always see things as potential photographs.
Third Pumpkin: I work on a schedule. If i dont have lunch by 2 pm, i dont need it. I dont feel hungry after sun down!
Fourth Pumpkin: I cant sleep if the fan does not have electricity. The second electricity stops flowing, I am awake, and actually watch the fan stop rotating. This happens irresepective of how tired I am and what time of the night it is.
Fifth Pumpkin:
I always read between the lines, even if there are no lines to read between.
Sixth Pumpkin: There is no such thing as too sweet. I mean come on, thats just ridiculous. Sugar is always good... :-)

Whew, that came out rather fast.....

Now my turn!!!
Here goes... I hereby tag....... (drum roll).......

  1. Rambling Advitiya
  2. The Variegated Sky of Aparna
  3. Arjun and his Back Pages
  4. The Voices of Melody
  5. The Sane Mohit
  6. Peregrination
  7. Rahul
  8. Spinning Rishi
  9. Rupsha Chatterati
  10. Samant the Lazy Bum
  11. Shreya for Public Consumption
  12. Sujata C'est La Vie
  13. The Life and World of Tanvi
A Baker's dozen should do! :-) And anyone of you whom I missed, and feel the need to be tagged, take it from me and begone to thine blog....

Thursday, June 15, 2006

How Many People?

No, this is not in line with those PJs that float around. If you dont catch my drift good for you, as you have been spared.

This is a genuine question.

We have a conference room at work, which is not too far away from my cubicle. I'd give a rough estimate (guestimate?) of its dimensions to be of the order of 16ft by 8ft. Height is not of much significance, but for those nit-pickers, i'd say it is about 10 ft. The centre of the room has a table, about 6 ft long, and 3 feet wide. Ordinarily, ten chairs are placed around the table.

Now, here's the fun part. How many people do you think would be fit into such a room to conduct a meeting? Our team generally finds it stuffy with about 10 people in it. In fact, I cant remember having a meeting in there with more than 12 people.

Well, a team on my floor, occasionally decides to have full-team meetings in the room I have just described to you. Thats OK, you may say. Yet, you wonder, how many can they be?

I feel claustrophobic just thinking about it. How did they manage 35-40 people in there?

Maybe they have a witch or a wizard amongst them, and us muggles dont know about it.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Goodness Gracious, Great Drops of Water

Just some pictures to share from my garden. A few gorgeous drops of water.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Tragedy of the Commons

Had to wait a while before I could write this. Needed to cool the boiling blood. So why I am writing about a Game Theory application? The Tragedy of the Commons? You'll see.

This morning, traffic was unusually bad. There was a jam at every intersection. That's fine. It happens. I was in the Volvo, standing, but at least away from the pollution and the smoke, and the grime.. and more importantly, the blaring horns. (These volvos really keep it quiet inside the bus!)

Anyway, as I was saying, I had no qualms about the traffic. Bad days exist, and today was one of them. We trudged along the roads on the way to work.

Pass Marathahalli, big big jam... but again no issues. Few stops after that I got to sit. Listening to my discman, I enjoy the view outside, and my music. Soon after is where the trouble started.

I was sitting towards the back of the bus. About 10 rows from the driver, and there were people standing all the way between me and the driver. The bus was populated by working class people. I mean the software industry people, with laptops and all (no I don't have a laptop).

Upon reaching another intersection, this one relatively free, the bus driver suddenly gets it into him to drive on the wrong side of the road, to avoid the traffic at the next junction. Now we all know that this is not the right thing to do. It only aggravates the situation, and flares more tempers. Some of us noticed. I did too. Had it not been for the aching feet, and body (tiring gym workout in the morning) and the fight to get a seat, I'd have gone up to the driver and let him have it for trying such a stunt. So, I left it on faith for my fellow commuters, older, wiser and more sensible, to do the job.

How wrong I was. All the laptop carriers just sat there, and grinned. "Now we'll reach quicker" is all I could see on their faces! And I wont single out anybody. This set of affluents were from all regions of India. Selfish pigs.

This is why I think not much can be done with this city. The corporation tries. They are widening the roads. They are widening the bridges. They are regulating traffic. They are diverting flows. Signals have come up. Potholes are being fixed. But if the denizens don't follow simple civic rules, then how can this place improve.

Do we really need dividers on the road to make sure a 6 lane road is not 5 lanes in one direction and one in the other? Do we need cops at every intersection to fine us for any rule breaking? Or will we just bribe them and get away with it?

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