Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Time Traveling...

It happened again yesterday evening. Bangalore decided to switch off. No electricity most of the evening. At least they did switch it on eventually. For that I am thankful.

Came home at the usual time from office yesterday(about 1730 hrs), to be welcomed to a world of no electricity! Suffering from a nasty cold, I did not take time to notice this at first, as I quickly downed the Orange and Grape Tropicana I had bought. My logic was to pump my body full of Vitamin C :-)

Soon, S and I found ourselves standing on our patio, enjoying the lovely sunset in the clear skies. Wish I had taken out my camera to share it with you.

We watched a couple of planes land, before the mosquitoes drove us back to our shelter.... which is when the electricity returned.

No that's not the end of the post! It didn't stay too long. The duration of the return, was long enough for us to realize the water pump was not pumping water to our tank. Time to act like the plumber, and fix it.

That done, the electricity goes phut again!

Here's where the time traveling bit comes in. Sitting in the dark, and having used up the flashlight battery, and the digital camera battery, we were wondering what to do. That's when we decided to pull out the radio. Adamant that we were not going to listen to the crappy Radio City, our tuning fingers drifted over to Short Wave Radio. I wonder if any of you have even heard of it ;-)

As S tuned the set, we managed to catch the frequencies of Voice of America, BBC, some Arabic Channels, some Tamil channels, lots of gospel channels, and some other weak signals. We now have a rough idea of where to place the set and at what bands stations of interest air.

All in all, something positive came out of this experience. I can safely say I am better prepared for the next power outage!

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