Friday, May 05, 2006

I Hope There's No Pushing Involved

Friday evening.

Get into my friend/colleague's (H) car. His first statement is "I need to fill gas." I nod, noting the point.

We drive out of work. Pass one petrol station. I bring up the issue of petrol, which H had mentioned as he started the car. We both feel we can probably reach the next one. Thats when I come up with the gem, "I hope there's no pushing involved." :-)

Any guesses what happened? We reached Marathahalli and as we ascended the bridge, the bane of bangaloreans travelling east, the car dried up. For those of you unfamiliar with bangalore, let me explain a little more.

Imagine a road, two lanes on either side, heavily used, converging into a one lane road on a bridge with no escape. Well thats where we ran out of fuel.

Here, have a look, although the picture does not give u the feeling of scale that every commuter in bangalore can elaborate upon!

Anyway, I get out of the car, and push it, as H steers the car to the side of the road, to avoid any inconvenience we may cause to the rest of the traffic. I tell you, its not that tough to push a car... or else the 3 days of gym I recently had, have been of real use ;-)

Once done, I wait in the car and H hitches a ride on a friendly motorcyclist's bike to the nearest petrol bunk, about a kilometer away.

Sitting in the car, I took to watchin the reactions of the people as they drove past the car. Was quite interesting. Almost everyone turned to see who was in the car. Most shook their head in disdain. How I wish I had a camera on me to capture the various faces of this city...

Its funny how we always curse the fool who runs out of fuel at such a strategic location. I can remember how H and I always mocked the people who had starnded cars right in the midst of the most heavily trafficked place on the route. Of course the mocking is immediately followed up with a steady stream of curses.

We both knew that this was the fate we had today as well, yet we were unable to wipe that grin of our faces. The situation was just too amusing!

And.. to top it all... there was NO traffic jam caused by this incident. Stunned? So were we. Till we saw all the cops on the road, regulating the flow to perfection. If only they would do something like this regularly. And the discipline on the road.. man.. that was too good to be true.

Did not take us too long to realise what was the cause of this. Some VIP was on his way. Pretty soon, we saw the cop cars waving flags, and clearing the road in front of them, approach behind us. In between the cop jeeps, were two VIP cars. Indians. Once they passed us, H quickly tailed them to ensure he is not stopped anywhere along the way. And thats what happened. We had a free flowing ride from Marathahalli to the Airport!

Which is where I got off... (I stay there, if u dont know).

All in all, "it was fun, but lets not do this too often!"

You really had me lol-ing with this post... "I hope there's no pushing involved" you're obviously a panvati ;)

Am hoping to be in Blore at the end of the month. Will let you know. Till then stay out of dried up cars!
they say 'murphy's law'...

i say 'MIM'.. (most inoppurtune moment - my v.1)... and the amusement that follows is normally after resigning to the fact that there's nothing that can be done to reverse the situtaion... might as well enjoy it...

i can tell, having the experience of 'pushing involved' on a cyclonic day in vizag many years back :D :D
LOL!! well this is the only time i've managed to do that to the car.. so u cant be so quick to judge ;-)
do gimme a buzz when u get here..

indeed... it really was quite an experience.. one, however, that i would not want to do again in a hurry, tho.
ya i too hv been the victim of such deadly grins when i ran out of petrol once..and imagine i had to push the machine 5 kms to get it running again..
hope u too gyming..kaun jaane musibat kab gale pad jaaye.
"so u cant be so quick to judge"

God tells us not to judge others at all. And was what happened to me after that was this:
I was going to say something, but after reading Mel's 'Part 2', I'd rather not complete the trilogy. :D

well done! thats al i can say.. poor chap had to lug his bike all on his own...

point noted... :-)
but who said it would have to complete as a trilogy? :-P
Well, then we can have sequels & prequels. :P
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