Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Six Weird Things

5 Little Pumpkins sitting on a gate
The first one said, "Oh, my! Its getting late!"
The second one said, "There are witches in the air!"
The third one said, "But we don't care!"
The fourth one said, "Let's run, let's run!"
The fifth one said, "Its only Halloween fun."
Then woooooo went the wind, and out went the light,
And five little pumpkins rolled out of sight.

Well, it should have been six, but i could not find a snazzy little poem (nursery rhyme if u will) with the number 6. Suggestions open. :-)

Anyway, I've been tagged by Aparna G of Erehwon fame. Six weird things about me. Hmm.. thats a toughie. ;-)
Ok ok.. before u think I'm arrogant, I shall continue :-)

First Pumpkin:
Caffeine puts me to sleep. Unless i have lots of it. By lots I mean (3 spoons of coffee!!)
Second Pumpkin: I always see things as potential photographs.
Third Pumpkin: I work on a schedule. If i dont have lunch by 2 pm, i dont need it. I dont feel hungry after sun down!
Fourth Pumpkin: I cant sleep if the fan does not have electricity. The second electricity stops flowing, I am awake, and actually watch the fan stop rotating. This happens irresepective of how tired I am and what time of the night it is.
Fifth Pumpkin:
I always read between the lines, even if there are no lines to read between.
Sixth Pumpkin: There is no such thing as too sweet. I mean come on, thats just ridiculous. Sugar is always good... :-)

Whew, that came out rather fast.....

Now my turn!!!
Here goes... I hereby tag....... (drum roll).......

  1. Rambling Advitiya
  2. The Variegated Sky of Aparna
  3. Arjun and his Back Pages
  4. The Voices of Melody
  5. The Sane Mohit
  6. Peregrination
  7. Rahul
  8. Spinning Rishi
  9. Rupsha Chatterati
  10. Samant the Lazy Bum
  11. Shreya for Public Consumption
  12. Sujata C'est La Vie
  13. The Life and World of Tanvi
A Baker's dozen should do! :-) And anyone of you whom I missed, and feel the need to be tagged, take it from me and begone to thine blog....

Oi! You bad person... tagging me & then not even telling me..

Say maybe you're not so bad after all... now can I just sneek out of here without anyone knowing I saw this?

Oh you wicked, evil person!
what is this tagging thing?
isse kya hota hai bhai??..
it means that now u have to write something abt this topic!!
so are you a very light sleeper, or does this concern only fans?
U really are weird ;)
@claytonia vices
its only the fans... otherwise am a very sound sleeper...

lets see how weird u are!
Wow! That was fast!!

I dont think they r wierd in the sense of the term wierd though!

Sometimes, I do think though that sweets are made a bit tooooo sweet..
Getting awake the moment the fan stops...lolz !!
Is this applicable for all seasons??
Even the winters..??
thats just not possible... too sweet? i mean come on!! :-)

yup applicable for all seasons.. cant sleep if the fan is off, even if i need to cover myself in the quilt to stay warm once the fan is on! :-)
//Second Pumpkin: I always see things as potential photographs.

OMG I can totally identify with this!!!!!!!!!!! :O

ps: Thanks for dropping by my blog :)
OMG I can totally identify with this!!!!!!!!!!! :O

ps: Thanks for dropping by my blog :)

so then i am not alone in this pursuit.. now if only my camera would start working again!
and u write well, will blogroll u if u dont mind :-)
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